Coast Wattle Project Crofts Bay
This project focussed on the control of Coast Wattle and Sallow Wattle in the Peterborough coastal area including the Bay of Islands car park. Funding was provided by three partners: Coastcare Victoria, Beach Energy and the Victorian Government through the Community and Volunteer Action program.
These wattle species have been listed as a threatening process under the FFG Act 1988. Parks Victoria provided a permit to remove the invasive species, under which volunteers carry out works.
With our friends at the Friends of Bay of Islands, Peterborough Residents Group and Timboon Field Naturalists, we
Conducted a flora survey in July 2019,
Assisted in a working bee to remove coastal wattle in March 2021, and
Facilitated a planting day in June 2021.
With covid restrictions in 2020 and 2021, contractors were needed to control the coastal wattle and replant.
Follow up revegetation builds resilience in the landscape for species biodiversity by enhancing habitat for native species, reducing impacts of tourism.
The project area is adjacent to wetlands that consist of ephemeral and permanent wetlands in a wider area providing vital habitat for vulnerable species such as Lewins Rail and the Hooded Plover.
