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Shire Environment Support Grants

In 2020/21 we received two grants for Corangamite Shire Council.

Support for fire affected landholders - indigenous seedlings were propagated in our community nursery, with the help of volunteers, and distributed to fire-affected landholders for infill into the shelterbelts that they had previously had our assistance to help establish.


Powers Creek revegetation - Generations of Timboon and district folk have helped revegetate Powers Creek. We are hoping to have another community planting day, but so far our best laid plans have been impacted by COVID restrictions.

In 2021/22 we are also receiving two grants.

One grant is to help the community nursery grow more indigenous plants for biodiversity and carbon sequestration. 

Another is to complement the weed control efforts of our friends at the Camperdown-Timboon Rail Trail. Cape ivy and English ivy are particular targets and incentives will be targeted at adjoining landowners to control them. 

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